Fever Smile is an online business that services Australia and New Zealand, selling specially formulated DIY teeth whitening kits and products.
The kits sold are a dental grade formula, vegan friendly, non-GMO and toxic free and are safe and easy to use. – everything that the public are looking for now in the products that they use. The name and logo, Fever, is trademarked in Australia and New Zealand.
The Fever Smile website is very well presented and laid out, making for easy shopping for customers. They also have a presence on social media, with large following.
Established 3 years, this online business turns over $40,000 per year. There is plenty of potential to grow this business.
This is an easy business to run and can be run as a side business to generate supplemental income, as the current owner only works a few hours per week. A big bonus is that it can be run from home, so there is no lease and no landlord to worry about. The only thing needed would be a storage space for products.
Current owners have done the hard work of research, development, trials, and testing. Take over now and reap the benefits. Implement new marketing strategies and watch your business grow.
Website, stock, social media domains, and branding rights- all included in the sale price of $8,000 !!
For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.
Ref: B13923